Domino B2 ®


Functions performed:
• balance-sheet reclassification
• Trend evaluation
• Fixed assets updating
• Direct and leasing investments plan
• Input forecast plan
• Forecast: income statement projection at value added (6 years)
• Forecast: income statement projection at goods sold (6 years)
• Forecast: income statement projection at contribution margin (6 years)
• Forecast: balance sheet projection: assets and liabilities (6 years)
• Forecast: cash flow statement, operating and financial leverage (6 years)
• Forecast: tax Planning (6 years)
• Forecast: ratios analysis (6 years)
• What if analysis
• Company Evaluation: assets method
• Company Evaluation: income method
• Company Evaluation: mixed method
• Company Evaluation: discounted cash flow method
• Company Evaluation: EVA ® Method
• Company Evaluation: capital cost WACC
• Risk Analysis: automatic models (Beaver and Z-Score)
• Risk Analysis: quick models (Stern Stewart & Co., Damodaran and S & P)
• Rating: score and rating with Basel 2 IRB
• Rating: pricing bank's credit
• Tableau de bord: implementation of charts and performance indicators
• Report: creation of reports in Word ® and PowerPoint ®
• Module language: simultaneous translation from Italian into English.